

Huge, billowing clouds moving slowly across the sky have always been an arresting sight for me. Memories of childhood float up from the depths and soon you are seeing sailing ships and improbable animals and one that might even look like your loopy uncle Skid, although I guess its possible you didn’t have a loopy uncle Skid. We did and he was great. People travel great distances to see the light and sky of other places but we  have that magic right here in our back yard in Colorado. The images that follow were taken from our deck looking west towards Rocky Mountain National Park as we gently eased into sunset.


As the sun moved further towards the west the light began to take on a reddish hue


Soon the blue and white was being replaced by reds and yellows and pinks


and some of the thunderheads were taking on a pronounced bluish-black underside.


When the sun goes behind the hilltops and ridges the lower parts of the clouds go dark while the upper parts can be brilliantly highlighted.


Then as full darkness approaches the gold comes out. There is still some blue in the background because the mountains are lower over there and let the last of the sunlight through.


An explosion of gold and orange and yellows is brought into even greater contrast by the black undersides of this mammoth cloud. That’s the last hurrah, like that incredible finale at a fireworks exhibition. The only thing missing is the William Tell overture playing in the background.


The sun is completely set and this last look is tinged in blues and purples with rose highlights, the evenings swansong.

Sleepy-eyed Doe

Watching from the morning mist

Atmosphere is something we all try to make happen in our images when we get a chance. You need the right conditions and of course the light has to be perfect. Fog or mist or even very subdued lighting due to clouds or other weather conditions are a necessary part of creating this effect. But what can be the most important element of all is that serendipitous event that cannot be planned. That special surprise that happens just because you got lucky. While in Rocky Mountain National Park shooting elk one morning I felt something watching me from behind. I turned and found this mule deer doe staring at me from out of the morning mist. There was no wind, the ground was wet from all the moisture in the air and even the birds hadn’t awakened yet. Everything was whisper quiet. After my taking a few quick shots she soundlessly backed into the brush and disappeared. This is one of those straight out of the camera shots that needed no post processing in Photoshop. What I saw is what you get. This shot is absolutely gorgeous as a large print.