

The Southwest is full of amazing places where the unusual is the norm. This happens to be Antelope canyon and I’m sure you’ve all seen the images of it’s incredible colors and fantastic light beams shining down onto the canyon floor. There are two canyons, the lower where you climb down into the slot canyon and after traveling through it climb back out again and the upper where you walk through it by entering at ground level and continuing through until you walk out the other end. This is the upper canyon and normally there would be light streaming down from the narrow opening in the ceiling of the canyon a hundred feet or more over your head, but on very special occasions when the conditions are just right you get this view, sand, fine as flour sifting down from the dune on the surface when the wind conditions are perfect. It slowly fills the shallow depressions in the rock face until they overflow and you have Sandfall. This not a rare occurrence but it is uncommon as the wind has to be blowing just right, too much  and it blows the sand over the opening and it doesn’t fall in, too slow and the sand doesn’t move at all, and when the wind stops the Sandfall stops. When everything works and it happens and you’re there to see it, it feels like a miracle. Sandfall at Antelope canyon catch it if you can.

Montana Fixer-Upper


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Once upon a time while driving the back roads of Montana I happened to find this abandoned ranch. Apparently it had once been a pretty big deal. There is a substantial house and sheds and a great barn and it is situated near Red Rock lake so there is a lot of water for stock but it has been unused and peopleless for quite some time. I can’t believe someone would just walk off from a place like this, unless it was because the winters are 13 months long and the wind occasionally blows across these high prairies, and what could be the deal breaker for some is there is no internet, I checked, absolutely none.


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The house had been added on to at least a couple of times. Was it to hold a large extended family or perhaps a big crew or maybe who ever lived here just wanted an early ranch mansion. This would have been a mighty house for the times. Right now the roof needs a little work and that window needs caulked (as they say out here). But you can see the possibilities.


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One area of concern is the barn. That fence is going to need some attention before long and some one will have to address the door issues. There is no way that place will hold animals during a storm if you can’t shut the doors tight. It looks to me like it could get expensive taking care of some of these minor problems. You will need to be handy to live up here.


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But then you ‘ve got to consider the views. This is a considerable view by anyone’s standards. Montana is called the Big Sky country and there is a lot of sky up here. I mean it completely fills the entire space above your head and then some. If you’re the type that likes to have neighbors around you may want to rethink your relocation. I drove for a long time and never saw another person. In fact I don’t think many people live out here at all. But if you’re the adventurous type and don’t mind a few inconveniences this could be the perfect place for you. So if you’re interested and want to check it out just go to Yellowstone and turn left, drive for quite awhile then turn right and look for Red Rock lake and there it is. I’d give you the realtors name but their sign was all shot full of holes and I couldn’t make it out.

Shadow on the Mitten


There is a special event that happens just twice a year in one of the most spectacular places on earth. That place is Monument Valley located on the border of Utah and Arizona and watched over by the Navajo people. Towards the end of March and the end of September the sun sets at just the right spot on the horizon to cause the shadow of the Mitten on the left to be cast upon the center of the mitten on the right. If you are particularly lucky, and who isn’t, there won’t be a cloud in the sky and the full spectrum of colors will display. As you head into sunset the colors shift into the reds and get deeper and richer until you think it can’t get any more beautiful. You get a sense of how quickly the sun drops down behind the ridges to the west and how short the sunset is as suddenly the scene goes from being brilliantly lit to deepening into the dark of early evening. It would not be unreasonable at this time to demand that the sunset last for at least an hour or so. The colors which were so intense moments before morph into deep shadows and the show is over for the night.

 This process of the shadow being cast starts several days before the finale and last for several days after but is different from the centering because the shadow doesn’t line up on the center of the right mitten until the one day in the middle when all of the conditions are perfect. What makes it imperfect, if that is even possible in this place, is the shadow drifts off to either side of the right mitten and is only partially formed depending on whether you’re at the beginning of the cycle or the end. If you happen to miss the centering don’t feel bad, just being in this truly incredible place will be one of your greatest experiences.

Trail of the Cedars


Thinking of visiting Glacier National Park this summer? Good choice. If you go there is one part of the park you do not want to miss and that is Trail of the Cedars, an open air cathedral of giant trees, small streams, spectacular rock formations and most impressive of all, a silence that is as soothing as it is welcome.

Foot of the Monarch

There is a raised wooden walkway that is wheelchair accessible and wanders past the big trees and over small streams in a loop that takes about half an hour to travel unless you are a photographer, then it will take you about three hours. If you are one who likes solitude it may take you even longer.

Reaching for the sun

Sunlight penetrates the canopy and highlights the leaves above your head.


Shadow pictures against this huge cedar are constantly changing as the movement of the branches above are affected by wind, clouds and sometimes your imagination.

Dappled Sunlight

This is a green place in the spring. Green is every where and made even more pronounced by the deep red background of cedar mulch that has accumulated over the  years.


One of the highlights of your stroll through this enchanted forest is this grotto with it’s purple rock face glistening with snowmelt and lit with dappled sunlight. You can easily imagine elves and other creatures holding their very important meetings here.


The colors are nearly other worldly, deep purples and magentas, flecks of silver and swatches of emerald green compliment each other in a way only nature can achieve.


The cedars give reason to all that you see. The hidden areas behind the trees beckon to you and you want to be able to go in there and see what treasures are concealed in it’s beauty.

Color of Cedar

As in everything that nature creates there are endings, or beginnings depending on your viewpoint. This giant cedar is returning to the earth and replenishing the soil as it completes it’s transformation. While it slowly breaks down it is a constant source of beauty adding it’s rich colors to the forest floor.


Although you could easily stand inside this tree I wouldn’t. Some times when you are very still you can hear sounds way off in the background, sounds like a very heavy door closing perhaps. So just to be safe let’s stay on the trail.


On the way out the forest you will cross Avalanche creek which formed Avalanche gorge and flows out of Avalanche lake. I know it’s a lot of  avalanches but it is gorgeous none the less. The best time to see the Trail of the Cedars I believe is in the early spring, the crowds haven’t hit yet and you often have this place to yourself. This is a heavily used area later in the summer and as the hike is only a mile long you won’t often be alone. Having said that I would not miss this whatever time of year you happen to be there.

Purple Ones Taste Best

MtEvans0278 Spring is slowly arriving at Mt. Evans National Park. The park won’t be open for another few weeks because of deep snow still covering the roads. The elevation of the park is over 14,000′ so it takes awhile for spring to get going. Meanwhile under the snow flowers are getting ready so that when the ground clears they can immediately start blooming. They don’t have much time to get a lot of work done and the minute that first ray of sunshine hits them they begin reaching for the sky. The Mountain Goats for which the park is famous, are starting to drop their kids and are anxiously awaiting the fresh greens. Lichen, although life sustaining, isn’t as tasty as fresh new grass and the flowers are an extra special treat for making it through the winter. This ewe is beginning the summer long process of shedding that slightly tattered winter coat in preparation for growing a brand new one and while that job isn’t heavy work it is time consuming and what better way to pass the time than to spend a long sunny afternoon choosing the best blossoms to nibble on. It seems the purple ones taste best.



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Since everyone is budget conscious these days I’ve decided to indulge in a little RainbowNomics. For those of you who are not familiar with the concept, it goes like this. Its very simple really, whenever you order a rainbow make certain that the little box called “make it a double please” is checked and you get two rainbows for the price of one, thereby doubling your investment and your enjoyment at the same time. Why settle for one garden variety rainbow when you can have two spectacular, incredible, stupendous rainbows just as easily and for the same amount of effort. It just makes good sense. Any questions? OK then, Let’s everybody do it and really help the economy.

This picture is actually a panorama of 18 separate images taken one after the other from the left to the right then stitched together in Photoshop to make one very wide picture. A panorama shows the entire scene much closer and clearer than if you took a single image with a wide angle lens. How come? well in the wide angle lens image the subject, the rainbow, would be further away due to the magic that happens inside the lens and you wouldn’t be able to see the rainbow as well as it would be smaller and kind of puny looking. If you read my authors page then you know that I told you that occasionally I would sneak some technical stuff into these posts and there it was. National Geographic will do it sometimes too, take panoramas and then tell you about it. I want to give you the same quality information here. This scene was shot from our deck looking out over the plains right after a small rain storm went through. We frequently got rainbows before only they’ve always been the single ones, but since we began practicing RainbowNomics we now get these fantastic double ones absolutely free. Isn’t it great to be an American.

I Just Can’t Get Enough


This Kestrel, a small hawk about the same size as a Flicker is definitely a Type A kind of bird. I was shooting Osprey on their nest when he flew in carrying a mouse and landed on the phone pole right next door. This was unusual behavior because normally raptors don’t like other raptors, regardless of size, in their territory and will run them off immediately. But these Osprey were a little more laid back regarding competitors that are half the size of their own young and ignored him completely. Being the hard charger that he is as soon as he landed he spotted this bug and lunged towards it. Lunging with a dead mouse in your talons, small though they may be, tends to cramp your lunging style and he totally missed the bug. Acting as if he meant to miss it all along he soon began feeding on his mouse and if there was any embarrassment over the missed play he didn’t let it show. I personally think he was just showing off, trying to impress the neighbors with just how bad he was.