Trail of the Cedars


Thinking of visiting Glacier National Park this summer? Good choice. If you go there is one part of the park you do not want to miss and that is Trail of the Cedars, an open air cathedral of giant trees, small streams, spectacular rock formations and most impressive of all, a silence that is as soothing as it is welcome.

Foot of the Monarch

There is a raised wooden walkway that is wheelchair accessible and wanders past the big trees and over small streams in a loop that takes about half an hour to travel unless you are a photographer, then it will take you about three hours. If you are one who likes solitude it may take you even longer.

Reaching for the sun

Sunlight penetrates the canopy and highlights the leaves above your head.


Shadow pictures against this huge cedar are constantly changing as the movement of the branches above are affected by wind, clouds and sometimes your imagination.

Dappled Sunlight

This is a green place in the spring. Green is every where and made even more pronounced by the deep red background of cedar mulch that has accumulated over the  years.


One of the highlights of your stroll through this enchanted forest is this grotto with it’s purple rock face glistening with snowmelt and lit with dappled sunlight. You can easily imagine elves and other creatures holding their very important meetings here.


The colors are nearly other worldly, deep purples and magentas, flecks of silver and swatches of emerald green compliment each other in a way only nature can achieve.


The cedars give reason to all that you see. The hidden areas behind the trees beckon to you and you want to be able to go in there and see what treasures are concealed in it’s beauty.

Color of Cedar

As in everything that nature creates there are endings, or beginnings depending on your viewpoint. This giant cedar is returning to the earth and replenishing the soil as it completes it’s transformation. While it slowly breaks down it is a constant source of beauty adding it’s rich colors to the forest floor.


Although you could easily stand inside this tree I wouldn’t. Some times when you are very still you can hear sounds way off in the background, sounds like a very heavy door closing perhaps. So just to be safe let’s stay on the trail.


On the way out the forest you will cross Avalanche creek which formed Avalanche gorge and flows out of Avalanche lake. I know it’s a lot of  avalanches but it is gorgeous none the less. The best time to see the Trail of the Cedars I believe is in the early spring, the crowds haven’t hit yet and you often have this place to yourself. This is a heavily used area later in the summer and as the hike is only a mile long you won’t often be alone. Having said that I would not miss this whatever time of year you happen to be there.