Eye Candy


This is eye candy. It’s up there today because it’s time for something so pretty that you can’t believe it actually exists. Yet it does. Many of you may recognize it as the Narrows in Zion National Park where the Virgin river wends it way through the park and you may have even walked through its icy waters to see other wonders further up-stream. If you have, isn’t it incredible.

It’s the middle of the week and you might just need something like this to brighten your day and give you hope that you can make it ’til the weekend. If so and it worked, you’re welcome. Tune in again and we’ll try and help you with another shot of beauty.

The Narrows

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There are places you go to that are so beautiful that they etch themselves onto your brain so deeply that you can never forget them. The Narrows of the Virgin River in Zion National Park is one of those places. Hiking up the bank of the river you are treated at every turn to one stunning image after another.

The day was quiet, the river barely making any sound except for a soft murmuring as it ran over the rocky shoals, a Pinyon Jay was calling far up the river, the sound echoing back and forth along the cliff face, and you swore you could almost hear the sunlight hitting the stone above as it found its way into the canyon. Bright almost iridescent colors next to softly muted ones created a contrast that was dramatic yet right, with all the pieces fitting together exactly as they should. I could go on and on about how blue the sky was or how absolutely gorgeous the cliff face glowed in the sunlight but what I really remember was the sense of peace and serenity I felt standing there. At the risk of sounding way too New Age and Cosmic, which if you were to ask any of my friends I am definitely not, there was a sense of becoming one with nature that was unmistakable. This is how you’re supposed to feel when you experience nature on this level and this is what I miss when I’m homebound. If you’re not doing anything you should go there.