1000th Post Published !!! Thousands Cheered

BigShotsNow the Blog publishes its 1000th post!

Back on March 19 2013 The blog “BigShotsNow.com” published its first ever post titled http://www.bigshotsnow.com/how-this-is-going-to-work/  .  In it I explained how all this was going to work and with it I posted a smoke filled image of a Canada goose standing on a rock. It was the beginning of a love/hate relationship with the keyboard, the monitor, and my creative side. Now, approximately six years later here is the 1000th post, the result of fulfilling a long time goal of posting my favorite images with accompanying stories to amaze you, excite you, or stupefy you depending on how you received each post.

Prior to beginning the blog I had never written anything remotely readable (and some argue I still haven’t) and as it was painfully obvious, it showed. But did I let that bother me? Or even Stop me? Uhmm No, It Didn’t. I thought in my ignorance that my photography would carry me until I learned how to put more than three words together in a recognizable sentence. I’ve been a photographer for over sixty plus years, I have learned a few things about that side of the mix. And after all who was going to see the thing anyway. The internet was just a vague concept with so much in it no one would ever find my tiny literary attempt. But to my amazement some did and as of last count there are now readers regularly visiting the blog from over 200 countries. Thank you readers. Your support has enabled me to keep this up when many times I had given up hope.

One of the questions I get is “How do you come up with all the different stories you tell?” Well Virginia, the answer is I have many, many photographs in my portfolio, over a million. And when I get ready to write a post I go through them until one stands out and if a title appears in my mind I have the story already created and I simply type it out. I know, it’s weird but that’s how it works. No title, no story. That’s why so many of the stories have strange and crazy names. Poke around in the archives and you’ll see what I mean.

The stories have ranged from animal encounters, people encounters, and my incredible good fortune in being able to work with and photograph many of the Plains tribes in the West, has produced an amazing journey. Travel adventures are another subject explored at length, but my favorite all around subject ever, has been my association with the extraordinary, shadowy, surreal and not quite real connection with The Institute.

The Institute. It’s hard to say the name of that august body without my chest swelling up with pride and getting a funny feeling in the pit of my stomach. The more you personally learn about the workings of The Institute the more your stomach may swell up and you’ll get a funny feeling in your chest too. I could literally write a book about the effects The Institute has had on Science, the Government, The Director, that shadowy hidden figure whose name can never be mentioned but whose initials are Dwight Lutsey. Their good deeds could fill a small spiral bound notebook, even maybe another half of one and still you wouldn’t know the entire story. I don’t either and I’m the one making it up. If you must know more about The Institute, and you know you do, simply click on this link, http://www.bigshotsnow.com/the-institute/ . Or go to the home page and click on the Tab labeled The Institute. Then be prepared to be amazed, astounded and did I mention amazed, because I’m running out of descriptive words here, so just do it. You’ll be glad you did.

This is just a small effort on my part to try and express my genuine thanks to those of you who continue to read my blog, and as I have noticed that some of you have fallen asleep I will cut this short and simply say Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. Three thanks you’s in some cultures means roughly three times the thanks so you know, thanks again. Rest assured that BigShotsNow the blog will continue to produce and post less than stellar attempts with occasional moments of grandeur for as long as I can see the keyboard and remember what I’m supposed to write about. Until then, Seeya in the Funny papers and oh yeah, Thank you.

Dwight Lutsey