Multiple Emails

Dear Readers, to those of you who have subscribed to the blog and receive a daily email notifying you of each new post you may receive 2-3 emails instead of the usual 1 per reader. My apologies, mea culpa, I’m sorry, (please translate my apology into what ever language you speak so that it feels more genuine).

Apparently I said something derogatory about my computer within its hearing and it is now punishing me by doing whatever it wants to. I have the best minds in the IT world being assembled from across the globe to fix this problem or at least placate my machine so it will forgive me but in the interim if you would please bear with me I would appreciate it.

This is embarrassing for me as I was born under the sign of the Golden Modem but it is proving to be a difficult demon to exorcise. This is not a virus, so don’t worry in that regard, it is instead a little switch somewhere deep in the bowels of the satanic, I mean mis-guidedĀ machine that has set itself to inflict the maximum amount of misery into my life. But I will find it. I will. So again thank you for your patience and understanding.