Florence Nightshade Angel of the Night

There were good people in the town of Wichita. Probably more than we thought were there. We’ve heard about the ones that weren’t so good, and the ones who were borderline good with a dash of bad thrown in. But not all that much about the good folks. The ones who did good things out of their need to bring some sort of balance and harmony to the town just because of who they were.

Such was Florence Nightshade, known as the Angel of the Night. Not much is known about her background, she just showed up one day on the morning stage and by the time night fell she was out roaming the mean streets of Wichita offering solace to all who needed it. Rumors were rampant about her. She was a nurse from back east who after suffering a terrible loss in her own life came west to Wichita to help those in need, some said. Others said she once caused a death due to being inebriated on the job and swore to make up for it by tirelessly ministering to those most in need no matter what their station in life was.

Whatever her reasons she was always the first to show up after a shooting, helping the wounded and saying a quick prayer over the dead. Many a expecting mother knew her as the one who brought their child into the world when the town Doc was too drunk or sitting in on a winning hand in the saloon and couldn’t be bothered.

Most people never wondered about why she was so quiet. She kept to herself and never socialized preferring to wander the streets doing her work. Mercy was dealt by her hands and her heart and there were legions who survived their wounds only because she was there when they needed her most.

One day however she was gone. No one saw her leave. No one knows where she went. Some said she wandered off into the prairie to die from a hidden disease, others said she was abducted by terrible men. Others said she went to a little border town near the Mexican border that had even more killings and knifings than Wichita. Wherever she went we can assume she is still tending to those in need at a new place in desperate need of an Angel of the Night.