The Palaver

Palaver : A dictionary that purportedly knows something about the definition of words reports the following definition of the word Palaver. In this context where we have some trappers conversing with each other the following definitions of the word apply.

NOUN: pa·lav·er [pəˈlavər, pəˈlävər] unnecessarily elaborate or complex procedure. Examples: “there’s a lot of palaver involved” · “since I’ve started the whole palaver, I may as well carry it forward” · “getting into each building was a bit of a palaver” · “what a palaver!”

Historical: an improvised conference between two groups, or individuals, typically those without a shared language or culture.

VERB: talk unproductively and at length. Example: “it’s too hot for palavering”

However after talking with some of the participants in the Palaver shown above, it has been ascertained that there was another purpose for a Palaver. In this case the individuals or as they’re known here, the Palaver’s, have gathered to settle a small problem. One of the least favorite jobs on the packing trips was taking care of the mules. Packing and unpacking them, watering and feeding, hobbling them so they didn’t disappear during the night and so on. Mules were some times uncooperative during these routines and could cause the Muleteer to use language unfitting for more gentlemanly pursuits. Plus they sometimes got bit and stepped on and generally mistreated due to the mules peckishness. One did not usually volunteer to be a muleteer.

To establish the proper order of things so each member knew his place and responsibilities they begin by telling each other off-color jokes that get progressively more ribald. The first one to laugh out loud has to take care of the mules on the next trip. Now some of these jokes may not be considered politically correct today so they shan’t be repeated here but lets say they could get a little graphic. Remember there was no internet back then so entertainment was often hard to come by. Usually it was the one of the younger men that would suddenly let loose with a unrestrained belly laugh that earned him the privilege of mule tending much to his chagrin. After all a few of the older men had been clear to Iowa and back all their own and were much more worldly than the younger fellows so it took a lot for then to lose control.

An exception could occur where one of the older fellows would think his joke so humorous that he would start laughing while he was telling it, this was a deadly mistake, thereby earning him the less coveted role of muleteer by default. Plus untold ridicule by the other old timers during the trip. You really needed your best poker face during the palaver.

This procedure can still be found today amongst certain groups where a pecking order needs to be established, but usually they don’t even know they’re Palavering.