Shadows In The Darkness

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When you’re deep underground things change. Your perception changes. What would normally be a path of sand leading you forward can become a river of dreams. Each dream a flash of light moving together, mixing, forming even better dreams as they tumble forward to wherever dreams go. The lightest of them must be happy dreams, the darkest, nightmares. They become the shadows in the darkness.

They congregate near the edges of the flow, where the stream is slowest, forming larger and more frightening dreams, always looking for the deepest shadows and the darkest places to stay. To hold on. This isn’t like being up above ground where the morning can come and save you from the terror. Here the dreams can last as long as they want to. Or as long as you allow them to.

When you’re deep underground things change. Dreams become real, both good and bad. You can not help but visit the stream of dreams, and be drawn into its flow, just try and stay away from the edges.