Velevet On Velvet Off

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Well it’s that time of year again. The trees are just showing the first inclination to put on their party colors and then denude themselves, the air is taking on that brisk tang in the morning that startles you into realizing fall is coming and change is in the cold morning wind. The guys are still staying together in the small groups they formed when the antlers fell in the middle of the winter, but they are beginning to eye each other warily now, friends are becoming deadly competitors, all truces are off and its time to get serious, boyos.

All summer long they’ve been growing their antlers, always being careful not to damage them, and now they itch and they’re turning hard and this damn velvet has to come off and right now. That best friend he’s been hanging with could very well be his next deadly adversary because these boys don’t fight for fun. The points on those antlers are sharp for a reason and they’re eager to put them to use. The stakes are pretty high in their world and its no holds barred when it comes down to who is going to come out of this in one piece.

This is the critical moment in their yearly cycle, its velvet on, velvet off and the bell is about to ring. There is no best man wins in this scenario, its more a matter of survival and that makes it serious in a way that these guys know only too well. Right now the blood has to dry and then the antlers need to be polished. Then its good luck to the one left standing.