The Narcissistic Plover

NarcissiticPlover5850Killdeer a member in good standing of the Plover family – Bosque del Apache N.M.

“Hello, Noticing you looking back at me to see if I was looking back at you to see if you were looking back at me took up most of my morning. I nearly missed lunch. By the way did I mention you are very good-looking. Well yes, thank you, I may be good-looking too but, no, stop it, you’re too kind, really, I couldn’t help noticing you there and now I just can’t stop looking at you. It’s as if I am looking at myself but a more handsome version. Yes I do come here often. Well it’s been wonderful seeing you here too, but I have to go now. Perhaps I’ll see you here again later? Great, you are a handsome devil”.

Overheard at the Bosque del Apache wildlife refuge center. I would imagine you never knew Killdeer thought so highly of themselves but these are some of the things you learn as you study the wildlife around you. I knew that they tended to be self-centered but this is a whole new character trait that demands further investigation. The entire conversation above was taken verbatim from the field notes of one of our top wildlife researchers and will be used as a part of our grant proposal to obtain funds to explore whether other animals have idiosyncrasies that can be exploited for monetary gain.

You can help in this endeavor by donating anything of value you have, old diamonds, gold, or other precious metals, or by simply wadding up that money you were going to send to NPR, stuff it in a sack and send it directly to the blog. Knowing that by sending your hard-earned money, that you were going to use for frivolous purposes anyway, to this blog so that we may spend your hard-earned money frivolously instead, will give you that warm feeling in your heart that you get when you realize you have just squandered the rent money on something totally worthless. As you know we believe we can put it (your money) to a much better frivolous use and you get the benefit of knowing that our crucial wildlife research goes on un-interrupted. Thank you for your generosity readers and know that deep down this will make you a better person, not that all of you need to be a better person, but there are some of you that could use a little improvement, you know who you are, I’m just saying.

P.S. Old cigarette boats and vintage airplanes are excepted also. And unused deeds to any endeavor in the oil and natural gas industry would work also, thank you.