A Path Not Entered Lightly

This path we’re on, the one that gets you from one day to the next, one year to the next, one decade to the next and beyond is a convoluted, meandering trail that you can’t get off of. It’s filled with shadows and bright spots, twists and turns, only showing us a small glimpse of what’s in store for us and that murky at best.

During the dark parts of the journey you’re constantly gazing to the right or the left, always on the lookout for whatever may be lurking there, if anything. There must be something hidden in the shadows, waiting to come out. That’s where the things that growl softly and bare sharp teeth lie in wait. The three o’clock in the morning demons that call softly to you. The places where you just keep moving, move along folks, nothing to be seen here, yet you know there is. Those dark times when all you can hope for is that bright spot just down the trail doesn’t go away.

The bright spots are there, they’re always there and when you get to one you want to stand still for a while. Not moving, not going ahead and certainly not going backwards. Wanting to keep that feeling of the pure light of promise that something good lies ahead. Ignore the darkness down the path a bit, those shadows just past the beautiful place. We can deal with them when we get to them. Right now let’s just feel the warmth of this place. The darkness can wait. Let’s bask in this light for a while.

This odyssey we partake of, this long journey, is filled with marvels and tragedies, lightness and the heavy weight of sorrow. Goodness, sadness, love and the darker emotions that hide in the shadows, the pure joy of life when all seems well, all combine to make our journey incredible and terrifying. One in which if we had the choice we would certainly heed the muse when we’re advised to beware of the path not entered lightly. Of course we don’t have the choice, so travel on, perhaps the next bright spot will be a very wide one. If so stay there for as long as you can.
