OK Then, That Was Fun

Those of you who have been waiting for the blog to go back up, that would be happening today. Those of you who don’t know the blog was down can catch up here.


Rather than go into a lengthy explanation of what happened and how it was corrected I’ll just relate that if you’ve ever wondered if Catastrophe’s have bad days too, the answer is Yes. But as someone near and dear used to say, “That’s all blood under the bridge now”  It’s over. We’re back up and running. Clemont is just a pale shell of what he was and now that he has all new innards and has had a good D&C (dusting and cleaning) everything is working fine. He doesn’t have any memory of what happened or who he was, or how he had gotten a little uppity and would basically do what ever he felt like doing regardless of directions he was given, or how hard you would slam the mouse down on the desk top, so he is much easier to work with. We have him convinced that due to brain damage sustained in the firefight he is now a Dumb Terminal. Life should be easier, at least until he figures it out anyway.

So without further ado here is todays post. Crow Fair Portraits. Enjoy.