State of Grace

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Commitment. There is something so pure, so perfect and so honest about true commitment that when you recognize it, it holds you spellbound. It is like a state of grace. There is no backing down, no changing of the mind, nothing but total complete belief in what you’ve decided to do that nothing in this world can change it. There are many types of commitment and in this case the commitment is in a more literal form. It is everything this bird is about crystalized into pure action. It’s what completes his life.

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The reward in this situation is the fulfillment of what he must do

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And the result of that focus is a completion of a task that satisfies all aspects of his life. If he varied his commitment in any way or chose any other path he wouldn’t get the fish and his life would be completely different and diminished, he wouldn’t be a Kingfisher, which I guess, could be a lesson of sorts for all of us. Perhaps the moral here, if there is any, is, stay true and you get the fish. Don’t, and you emotionally starve to death, which in every case I can think of would be bad. And we all know bad ain’t good.