Late For Dinner

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Sometimes things happen with the very best of intentions. You’re on your way home, you run into a couple of buddies, you stop off at the buggatorium for a couple and suddenly you have done the unforgivable. You’ve missed dinner. That ‘s the one sin you do not want to commit. Never miss dinner. Explain all you want, make all the excuses, beg, plead, flap your wings, it’s too late. You are out on the branch tonight. In fact you might be out on the branch for quite a few nights. To make sure you make it through the nesting season this is a lesson best learned early. I don’t care what it takes, get home for dinner. This rule tends to work across all the species. Remember, even if you have to tattoo this across your beak so you don’t forget, to keep things running smoothly in the nest, don’t miss dinner.