50 Shades Of Green

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We have been getting lots of requests for the color green lately. Post cards, letters, notes tied to rocks and flung over our fence, so I just want you to know that OK already, we got the message.

I don’t know if it’s because summers over and people just weren’t ready for it or what, but if you want green we’ll give you green. A lot of people earlier in the year wanted grey. 50 shades of it. I don’t know why. Grey is like the second most boring color there is but they were clamoring for it. So they got grey.

We’re here to please after all and so here you go. Our color checkers have gone over this image with a fine tooth comb and have located at least 50 shades of green for you. I don’t know the significance of the number 50 but as ‘The Shadow’ used to say “Who knows the weirdness that lies in the hearts and minds of men..” and I presume women as well.

Enjoy, and remember, Keep those cards and letters coming in, we’ll do our best to satisfy any of your bizarro cravings. But lay off the rocks, you’re going to put somebodies’ eye out.