The River Flows On


At first you hear it. The river that is. In this stretch it flows fast and hard through the canyon. You feel it as much as hear it. The sound travels up through the stone until it reaches your feet and enters your body, the vibrations causing your whole self to resonate with its power. Somewhere along its length there must be calm spots where it flows quietly and calmly between its banks unaware of the tumultuous rapids ahead. But that’s there, it not here by any means.

Here it is forced into narrower and narrower places in the canyon where it can do nothing but race forward as fast as gravity allows it to. Tumbling, roaring, smashing itself against the immovable rocks and cliff sides it proceeds ever onward, regardless of obstructions, as that is its destiny.

Along its path there are beautiful things, incredible cliff faces, majestic trees, foaming, dashing waterfalls, the full exuberance of life. But it is a dangerous place too. Objects falling into the rushing stream will be carried off to whatever end nature has in store for them. The river is remorseless in its drive to complete its task and there is no waiting or worrying about what may happen along its journey. It is just a force of Nature.

One needs to careful approaching rivers as you may fall in and be swept away forever. Still whenever you see a river there is no denying its loveliness. It is constant and its beauty will remain with you forever whenever you leave it. That’s how life works. And rivers too.

The Visit

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Now listen we’re going to visit the Bovinos today and I want you on your best behavior, you hear me?

Yes, mom

Don’t be pulling any stunts like you did last time. What possessed you to head-butt Lawrence anyway? you know how clumsy he is. That coffee table must have cost twenty bales of hay. You’re lucky she didn’t ask us to pay for it, your father would still be tanning your hide.

He’s a twit mom. Why do we even have to go over there?

Because she’s the herd bulls cousin and your dad wants to be on the board of directors of the MRAMA. That’s important. That means he’d be in charge of the entire Western region of the Madison River Affiliated Meadows Association and we’d have the best grazing in the entire Madison river valley. So we have to go make nice with them and see if we can’t make peace with her. I don’t much care for them either but we can at least go there and eat hay and talk. You can play with Lawrence but so help me if you head-butt him again, you won’t get any milk from me for a week. You got it?

Geez mom, I do. Man. What !  Ma! Now what?, I said I wouldn’t head-butt the little dork.

Don’t you use that tone of voice with me William Johnson, I’m talking about you doing your business in the hallway instead of out on the grass. I swear I do not know what has gotten into that melon of a head of yours. Are your horns starting to come out, is that it?

God mom don’t talk about that kind of stuff it’s embarrassing. And Lawrence locked the bathroom door so I couldn’t get in, the little toad, there was no way I was going to get outside in time. He’s always doing stuff like that. That’s why nobody likes him in nursery school. I may head-butt the little creep just for good measure.

William if you do I swear…..

Ok, Ok, Ok. Lets not stay too long alright. I don’t how long I can be good. Besides my forehead itches something awful. If that stupid Lawrence says one thing about these bumps I’m getting I will show him what a head-butt is. I don’t care if I ever get any milk again.

William for cripe’s sake if I have to tell you one more time…. Ok there they are, behave yourself now please, and for god’s sake do not try to nurse from Mrs. Bovino again. I don’t know if we’ll ever live that one down. I don’t care if your dad did think it was funny. Do not do that again. Oh Hi, Evelyn, it’s so nice to see you again. Yes it is a lovely day.

Crow Fair Revisited Part 2

This post has been moved to All future postings of Powwows, Indian Relay Races, Rodeos and Rendezvous will be posted there from now on exclusively. So if you’re looking for new images and posts for all those events attended this year, plus all the old posts posted on check out See you there!

This weekend we are revisiting the 2014 Crow Fair. This is part 2. These are images that have not been posted before. As we have done in the past we are posting them with the minimum of conversation about them so that you can enjoy the memories they bring back.


Early morning sun is warming the lodges.


Returning from the river after watering the herd


Opening ceremonies


Families joining in the circles.


Many happy faces


Recognizing Royalty


Recognizing Royalty ,especially  the youngest ones.


Men’s dancers


Dancing into the sunset


Men’s regalia


Dancing around the circle


Women presenting the colors at the start of the parade


Incredible regalia display


Different styles of dress were part of the parade


Crow woman with beautiful bead work


Crow mother and son riding in the parade


Young man in full headdress


Teen boy in full headdress.


Crow woman with bow and quiver


Young girl with elk tooth dress


Always watchful, there is so much to learn


Scene from the past


Closing ceremonies


Kids saying goodbye,

Watch for further posts from both the Crow Fair and the NAID Blackfeet gathering in the weeks to come.

Crow Fair Revisited

This post has been moved to All future postings of Powwows, Indian Relay Races, Rodeos and Rendezvous will be posted there from now on exclusively. So if you’re looking for new images and posts for all those events attended this year, plus all the old posts posted on check out See you there!

This weekend we are revisiting the 2014 Crow Fair. These are images that have not been posted before. As we have done in the past we are posting them with the minimum of conversation about them so that you can enjoy the memories they bring back.


Early morning in the camp.


Entering the circle


Introducing the young to the ways


Jingle dancer in perfect form


Adjustments made


A princess being recognized


Another princess proudly receiving her welcome


A soon to be princess watching closely


Elders entering the circle


Regalia on display


A study in concentration


Close watch


Parade arriving


Showing her the ropes


Royalty on a grey horse


Confident and proud


Displaying the fan


Million dollar smile


Complete focus


Displaying his wealth


Controlling the high spirits


Gorgeous Elk tooth shirts


After the parade


Closing ceremonies

Tomorrow will be another set of images from the 2014 Crow Fair. Stop by.

The Storytellers


Storytellers are very important to a culture that has no written language or any means whatsoever of recording their history or the information that has to be handed down from one generation to another. Which is why in every culture on earth, whether it be a human one like we live in, or a wet one like exists in the ocean or an animal one that lives on the land, or a much, much older one such as the one the earth and the stones and the trees have, has a storyteller. The information it takes to be a successful species has to be passed a long. That’s where storytellers come into play.

While walking by these two storytellers in the forest a few days ago I heard them explaining to this young sapling about the role she had to play as she grew up and took her rightful place in the forest. Everyone in Nature has their place and a job to do. The Earth of course stays firmly underfoot and it is the force that gives purpose to all the other things in life. The other elements such as the wind, sun, water, all have their parts to play but each individual has their responsibilities to perform as well.

And as in all cultures the young have questions about those things. They also have a lot of fear. Fear of the unknown. And a lot is unknown. The two storytellers above have been telling these stories for millennium. The one on the left with the long druid-like countenance is the most versed in the why of things, the broad overview of what our purpose is here. While the shorter, rounder one is an earth mother and she has all the practical facts of life that the younger ones need to know.

Procreation is always the single largest topic on the young ones minds and it is always the scariest to ask about. That’s why so many come to the storytellers to find out these things, you can’t ask your mother, you just can’t. How embarrassing would that be. And the other saplings are asking you about them so there’s no help there. No, the storytellers are the ones to come to.

I couldn’t hear much of the conversation as the storytellers speak in a very low voice, so low sometimes that we can’t hear it at all. The sound travels through the ground to the saplings roots like whale song through the ocean which is why there is a such a surprised look on her face. I did hear the words, gymnosperms, and male and female gametophytes and the release of large amounts of pollen, which is when the saplings branches flew up in embarrassment and her leaves flushed a pale shade of yellow.

It was at this point that I moved along as the conversation was getting to a very delicate stage and I did not want to add to the saplings awkward self-consciousness. I was just glad that the storytellers were there to help this generation of trees learn what they needed to know. Even in this day of information overload and unlimited knowledge storytellers are important.


That Montana Gold


On a recent fact-finding trip through Montana for The Institute, we noticed a rather odd occurrence. We had sent our tame Geologist on a mission to discover whether or not  there was any gold left in Montana. He was to locate, then find, any gold deposits that may still be available to people that didn’t have any so they could go up there and get some. Thereby making their lives better because they had become filthy, stinking rich. They would, the new filthy, stinking rich people, then give The Institute a large percentage of the total value of the find, making us Filthy, Stinking rich too. We saw it as a win, win situation. Plus a nice thing to do for the general public.

Well imagine the output of our salivary glands when these photos began downloading into the central information receiving center’s photo receiving and downloading machine here at The Institute. We were stunned and amazed, some of us were even GobSmacked, that was our Brit contingent, they use words like that all over the place. Sometimes you can’t even understand them. But never the less we were surprised.

We debated about telling anyone about this find, preferring to keep this motherlode for ourselves so that we could become even more filthy, stinking rich than we already were, but then we decided that as it was on public land, and in a national park (Glacier) and right next to the road they would find out about it anyway, so we decided to look like heroes and disclose the find to the general public.

This is a nugget about 60′ long 40′ wide and 40′ deep which is slightly longer than a semi-trailer and a lot wider and frankly we were surprised no one had hauled it off by now. That’s a lot of gold sitting there. Our resident metallurgists figure that there is well over 800 maybe 850 dollars of gold sitting there right out in the open just for the taking. That isn’t cheese whiz laying there that ‘s gold.

Were we to, say, bring this nugget back here to The Institute, we would have to string a couple of our empty tuff sheds together to put this thing in to keep it out of the weather and away from prying eyes of whoever may be checking us out. We might even have to build a barn or something to put that thing in and you know how expensive it is to build anything up in the mountains now days so we’re still debating on whether we want to borrow our friend Jim’s flatbed and go get it or not.

Anyway that’s our problem. Yours is to figure out if you want to go up there and get any of that gold that’s just laying around next to the street, as it  were. You might check gold prices before you get all excited though. The last time we looked, gold was at 30- 35 bucks a pound, which make the cost efficiency of dealing with it problematic. But if you’re out of gold and need some, it’s up there. But then maybe you think being filthy, stinking rich is too much bother,
A lot of people do. We’ve done our part the rest is up to you. Good luck.

Long Way To The Bus

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It’s a long ways down to the blacktop where the Contos kids catch the bus. Maybe four miles or so. They live back a ways on a make-do ranch that Rog and Emmy started just after they were married. It ‘s always been touch and go, some years ok, and ok means just getting by, and other years it’s been hell in a hand basket. This year has been hell in a hand basket.

The ranch has always seemed like an accident waiting to happen. In fact Rog would say, If he had a duck it would drown, that ‘s how bad the luck was. Two years ago the spring that fed the pond dried up and they dug a well but it’s been fitful to be charitable. Rog had to sell off a good third of the herd to pay the well digger and now it looks like he may have to sell some more to buy an old truck to haul water if that well stays slow.

Emmy goes into town to work a little, she’s helped out at the Grayson’s store but they don’t pay much, but Edith gives her a few yards of cloth every so often so she can make Mizzy a new dress or Fip a shirt, but cash hasn’t been plentiful. Used to be Rog would give the kids a ride down to the bus in the morning but now with gas like it is they have to save what they can for the tractor. If they don’t get the hay in they may have to buy feed this winter and that would just about tear it. So the tractor is now first priority. They’ve talked with Chas Cummings down at the bank to see if they could get a little more money but he said no and given the circumstances he didn’t see how he could extend that note anyway. He didn’t even bother to say sorry but he did say good luck. Emmy had to drag Rog out before Chas could call the sheriff.  Rog said he’d been wanting to hit that bastard ever since high school and man it felt good. They didn’t have a lot to say to each other on the way back to the ranch.

Mizzy and Fip were aware of the problem a little, it would have been hard not to be with Mom crying some and Dad yelling and cinching up Rebo too tight when he saddled him. Dad even threw the empty oil can he had from topping off the oil in the John Deere at Buck and he loved that dog. Fip told Mizzy they needed to stay out of sight for a while because he remembered that whipping he got last fall and didn’t want another one. Even if he had been good since then. When dad got mad it was best to lay low.

Mizzy was thirteen, gangly, tall for her age, whip thin. She had big green eyes and no hips. Not even the first sign of them. She was wearing one of her cousin’s hand me down jeans and she had to wear a pair of suspenders to keep them up because there was nothing there for a belt to hitch to. She was going to be pretty in an open, wide-face kind of way before too long. If her hair stayed red like it was she was going to be her dad’s biggest problem. Already a boy or two had hung around her a little too long. Ms. Dabbin her teacher had moved Mizzy up to the front row so she could keep an eye on things.

Fip was eleven. He was short and stocky like Emmy but he was quick, both in speed and thinking about things. Not much got past him and he thought pretty deep about what he saw and heard for a kid. He didn’t say much to others but he talked a blue streak to Mizzy until some times she just had to say Fip hush I can’t even think with you going on. Give me some peace. Fip would be quiet for a while but he had so much going on in his head he just couldn’t keep it bottled in. Then the dam would burst and out it would all come until Mizzy nearly frantic would lock her self in the outhouse to have a moment to herself. That was one place that was sacred for privacy and it was her last refuge.

On the way to the bus this morning Mizzy and Fip were walking along. Mizzy kind of quiet, keeping her head down, not picking up her feet like she should and Fip was like Buck was when he was a puppy. Running off 75′ or so then waiting for a minute and when you didn’t catch up fast enough racing back to you to tell you hurry up then taking off again. He must have walked that distance to the bus four times to Mizzy’s once.

Once he looked back and saw Mizzy sitting in the road all hunched over kinda shaking. At first he thought it was funny but as he ran back he saw she was crying and that really scared him so he ran back even faster. The sack she had been carrying had some how split and their lunch was laying all over the place. They were as close as brother and sister can be but they’d never been much for touching or hugging. Fip reached out to touch Mizzy’s shoulder and said What’s wrong? Did you twist your ankle? Something bite you? Mizzy just sobbed and kept looking at the ground. Should I run back and get Mom? he asked. Finally she said No, I’m just feeling out of sorts. Help me pick up our lunch. Fip immediately began gathering stuff up saying, See it’s alright it’s hardly dirty at all. We can brush it all off. Why you crying so much over dropped lunch? I don’t know she said. I’ve just been feeling funny for a while. Like I’m all itchy inside and can’t scratch it. I get sad for no reason, then I get mad. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I don’t want to ask mom about it. I don’t want her crying no more, especially over me.

Well if you ain’t hurt, you better get up or we’re gonna miss the bus. If dad has to take us to school you’ll have plenty to cry about and me too probably. Here, I’ll carry that for you. Let’s go. I’ll race you down to where that rock is. No you run on, she said, I’ll be along in a minute. It’s a long way down to the bus.