The Gray Season


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If you happen to be on this planet at the moment you may have noticed that we are gently but determinately heading into the Gray Season. For photographers the gray season is one in which there is a decided lack of color. This leaves only black and white and of course the average of those two colors, gray. It follows then that when you begin to remove color from the scene, soon you are left with gray and possibly a huge depression if your life revolves around the capture of color.

Luckily if you are prone to that seasonal depression you can combat it by going through your portfolio and finding some of the best color shots you’ve taken and stare at them until you feel well enough to go and eat a plate of spaghetti. Spaghetti and perhaps chili are the only known antidotes to seasonal gray induced depression. And maybe Lasagna. Lasagna’s good.

So if you’re one of the many thousands of seasonally depressed people and you do not have access to public transportation to a place that has color, like, say Tahiti, then take note of the image above where I have managed to pack in every single color known to the human eye just for you. If this doesn’t work drop me a note and I’ll send you the number for the Lasagna hotline.