Monday Morning Sunrise

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Sunrise in the Canyon. Does it matter that it’s a Monday when you can see this as the start of your day. When your week looks like it might be a replay of WWll and it would take herculean effort on your part just to yell at the neighbor because his dog has been rooting around in your begonias again, you always have the Canyon.

Standing on the abyss, feeling the bite of the cool early morning air, hearing the sound of a raven calling for its mate come up out of the depths, watching as the sun begins the daily unveiling of the shapes and colors of this magnificent place makes everything else seem trivial. Yeah I know, you got to get the kids off to school, there’s appointments to keep, the pressure’s starting but here at the edge of the canyon its quiet, and you can breathe. Take a moment, fill that place where you go to for calmness, the day will still be there when you get back.