Cloud Alert!

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Warning! Cloud Alert!  Clouds entirely too Low for Public Safety! Huge Shadows complicate vision!

We break into our regularly scheduled programming to bring you this important Public Service Announcement (PSA to those in the warning others business). There are cloud patterns forming all over the Southwest that could present dangerous conditions to those caught unaware. Abrupt summertime meteorology cause clouds to form that due to their rapid origination are too heavy to stay high in the sky where they belong. Their weight forces them ever downward until they begin to bang into the higher features in the landscape like Buttes, Promontories, Spires and other tall stuff, causing damage and unsafe conditions. So if you have a Butte make sure to keep it low to the ground and if possible, make sure to cover your Butte for maximum safety. Occasionally this phenomenon will be accompanied by shadows which obscure the landscape causing a deterioration in viewing conditions and moisture of unknown composition to fall onto the ground and anything on it. The obvious danger here is wetness, which can dampen your clothes and cause spotting on your glasses if you wear them.

If these conditions form while you are out viewing scenery, immediately crouch as low to the ground as your waistline will allow and cover your eyes and ears to prevent serious if not harmful damage to your own self and others around you. If you need to return to your vehicle before the conditions change, or you notice the cloud getting closer to you, carefully run backwards staying as low to the ground as possible and taking full advantage of any available cover such as low lying shrubbery or overhanging rocks. Keep calm. In some instances letting out low moaning sounds or saying ‘Ooooooh Mannnnn” quietly under your breath will help you stay focused until you reach safety. Secondary warning: Watch for Snakes. It may be preferable to be caught by a cloud as opposed to being bit by a snake. That is a decision you will have to make depending on prevailing conditions. A factor to consider while making this choice is the current cost of hospital care and the slowness of insurance companies to make payments. This may be complicated further by the high number of uninsured that clog up the emergency rooms while you are trying to be treated for snakebite. A little dampness and the cold clammy feeling of cloud shadow may be  preferable to catastrophic hospital bills. This is always a personal decision. Some people will choose snakebite over dampness because for them money is no object.

We here at the Institute, that of course is the Institute of Regained Knowledge, or IRK, strive to help our fellow man and provide these needed services free of charge so that you and your loved ones can have a safe and happy experience in the out-of-doors. Making you aware of the dangers that lurk outside your very doorways that could ‘Get You’ if you were not completely informed, has been one of the top priorities of our organization. No need to thank us, really, we do this as a public service in the hope that it enriches your lives and in some small unknown way ours too. Please help us help others by passing this message on and informing them that they too could be saved unknown amounts of trouble if they only read and subscribe to our blog.

Remember, Be Safe out there and if this does help or prevent some incredibly huge personal catastrophe you can go ahead and quietly thank IRK, we won’t mind.

Father’s Day

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Everyone has one, their Dad I mean, some are good, some are bad. As fate would have it mine was a little of both, mostly good but occasionally not so much. Life determines the percentage and the balance of good and bad and it isn’t til much later that we get some insight on what made the difference.

I know others who have had the pendulum swing wildly in the bad direction. To those people I say, I’m sorry, I wish it could have been different. But I wasn’t there and I can do nothing about the past, only try to understand your pain.

To those whose Fathers were good and I suspect that would be most of you, I say, you are very lucky, be thankful. As a father myself I know that there were untold number of instances where I could have done better but didn’t, for that I tell my own that I am sorry, but know that I always loved you and will forever. My greatest joy is knowing that you are my sons. I leave you with this old poem that has always struck a chord with me

They F*** you up, your Mom and Dad

They do not mean to but they do,

They give you all the Faults they had

And some extra just for you.

Wolves Don’t Rap

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If you have ever been out in the wilderness and heard wolves howling you know immediately that they are crooners. These guys sing. We’re talking Sinatra, Dean Martin, Tony Bennett, Harry Connic Jr. They can hold a note. They have a soulful quality that once heard can never be forgotten.

I was shooting swans one evening down on the Yellowstone when from across the river a single wolf began to call, then another and another until the entire valley was filled with wolfsong. It was the most amazing sound I have ever heard and made my entire body break out in goose bumps. It was like hearing the best choir that could ever possibly be, only better. What do they sing about? I don’t know but whatever it is it works. You don’t need to know the words. Is it sad, or joyful or longing or wishful, yeah, the answer to that is, yeah it is.

This wolf is a resident of the Wolf Discovery Center in West Yellowstone, Mt. so his song is probably plaintive and filled with the desire to be running free, but that’s just me. It could be, where’s dinner, instead, but I doubt it. Wolves sing, Pekingese rap. I like singing.

All Redheads To The Front

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There are fast ducks and there are slow ducks. These are fast ducks, in fact they look fast just standing still. Slow ducks would be your Mallards, especially the really fat ones you see around the city park. Those are so slow they can’t get out of their own way, 10 mph tops, while these Mergansers are the Formula One members of the duck world. We’re talking open wheels, spoilers, drafting, no fuel restriction Indy cars.  230mph speedsters that only have one way of getting there and that is, Flat out. This young brood decided they needed to determine who was going to sit on the pole this season so everywhere they went it was web feet to the metal and don’t be last. These are fast lane ducks and they don’t have time for idle chit chat, in fact they rarely idle, everything is redline with these guys so if you see them coming just step aside or you’re going to get wet plus you’re going to have all those embarrassing web foot tracks all over your face because these guys don’t slow down. See you in turn one.

Calm Amidst The Chaos

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Last summer I had just one day in the park, that would be Yellowstone National Park, due to the fact that as I was l was leaving that morning to start my shoot I got a call saying the High Park fire was about to burn down our house and everything around it. We were scheduled for mandatory evacuation immediately. I jumped in the car and began racing for home. This would be the third time that summer we had been evacuated due to massive fires.

As I made my way through the park I routed myself through the Hayden Valley, my second most favorite place in the world, wanting to get one more glimpse of it, not knowing when I’d be back. There are several spots along its banks where the river widens out and becomes a slow and lazy river, places just perfect for taking a moment to catch your breath and take stock of your life. I drove past this scene intent on getting home and as I got further down the road it kept replaying in my mind until I stopped, turned around and went back to take this one photo. Calmness in the midst of chaos.

Lots of times when things have seemed out of control I have looked at this image and thought that no matter how desperate or terrible things are at the moment somewhere there is peace and calm and tranquility. You may not be able to go there right now but you can take comfort from the fact that it exists. Right now as I write this our neighbors in Colorado Springs are facing yet another catastrophic fire, this one named the Black Forest fire, that has already consumed dozens of homes. All their hopes and dreams gone in an instant. It seems that there are many of these life altering situations happening lately. I think everyone could use a little calmness and peace right now. So to everyone who is facing one of these monumental events or has been through one, try and remember that somewhere there is a place where this is not the norm and things can be right again as they will be for you too.

Blue Bars

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When I visit a place I’ve never been before I have to be careful not to look around until I’m ready to shoot. Lots of photographers make a point of scouting out the area before hand so they can plan their shots and do all the things they need to do technically before their image making begins. Things like making sure they have their lens caps off, or that they have a flash card in to record what they shoot or even to figure out where they are. Not me. When I take a picture on a bright sunny day and it turns out black I know I’ve left my lens cap on and I will immediately correct that condition. Now before you jump to conclusions and think that I’m making fun of these other guys just hold on a minute. I have the utmost respect for any other photographers’ style and if it works for them and it obviously does in many cases, then that’s great. With me everything is about seeing the new place with fresh eyes. Everything’s new and I take a jillion pictures while the new is still on bright and shiny and it is as if every view is a new picture exploding in my face and I can not take them fast enough. I’ve found that when I go back to that new, now old place I don’t see those things anymore in the same way and I have to work really hard to get new perspectives.

Mostly what makes an image isn’t the camera exclusively but the eye that looks through the view finder and the brain behind the eye that processes the information and tells the little finger on the shutter to press down. The difference between shooting styles is probably the size of the brain. In my case I have an enormous brain that just fits inside my head and is so closely packed in there that sometimes my eyes just bug out from the pressure. Its packed in there the way they  pack a grape into its peel. Tight. When my eyes bug out to a certain point I know I’ve processed enough information and that’s usually when I take the picture. So instead of the methodical, intellectual approach to making images you have the chaotic, gonzo, “whoa look at that!” “Holy Cow!” “Hey move!” kind of approach. Is one better than the other? I don’t know. I just know that I love going to new places and cataloging my first impressions. Maybe someday when my brain shrinks a little I’ll try that other way, but in the mean time would you mind moving over just a bit you’re blocking my view.

The Hairy Igloo Bird

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This is one of the classic mysteries of Nature. The Ouzel or Water Dipper is an evolutionary marvel. Thousands of years ago, maybe eight or maybe ninety, the jury’s still out on that one, these amazing birds were a native of the Great White North. To pick up their story we turn to our own *The Institutes’ resident birdologist, Dr. Lem Beakston, as he describes how this fascinating creature evolved.

He begins “Well in the beginning these weren’t the cute little birds they are today, oh no, they was roughly the size of a Yak and lived mostly in the snow, eh, and they didn’t do much flying around then neither because their wings weighed like two hunnert pounds each and was pretty heavy. They could jump some but not high as they was way too big, but it sure was noisy when they landed,” he chortled. At this point we pause in our story to let Dr. Beakston recover from his snorting fit. When he thinks something is funny, whether it is or not, these attacks can sometimes last for hours.

He finally continued “As it got colder there in the Great White North, like down to minus two million degrees sometimes, they had to save themselves from freezing because way too many of them was turning into great big Yak-cycles and stuntin’ their evolution. They was phasing their own selves out which as we all know is a dead-end evolution-wise. Now as they all was too big and tired from jumping all the time and they didn’t have a working brain between all of them except for one bright Dipper that figured if they made a round house out of ice, which they had more of than they needed, it being the ice-age and all, they could go in it and like stand there and not freeze. So they did, and that was the first igloo. They was way ahead of their time, trendsetters like, those dippers and an example to those late-comers the Inuits, who copied their round ice houses because they was freezing right and left too. So there it was you had Yak-cycles and frozen Inuit’s scattered all over the place until you couldn’t hardly walk without stepping on one them except for the ones in the round ice houses ….” We pause again as Dr. Beakston wandered off and was scratching in the dirt for something kind of worm-like. Oh no !. Man, he did not just eat that, did he? We need to break here for a moment while we try and get Dr. Beakston to spit that out.

Actually I was beginning to doubt the facts of Dr. Beakston’s narration and since he wouldn’t spit out what ever that was he ate, I’ll just paraphrase the rest of his explanation so we can on with this whole thing. It turns out, according to Dr. Beakston, that through lots of trial and error they got the whole igloo building thing down but were soon besieged with another problem, global warming. It got hot. It melted their ice houses and made them sweat. What with all the jumping around they did they got smaller and soon the ice was gone and they were the size of chickens. It also got wet, like  water everywhere wet, and they soon found that jumping in the water and catching bugs was a good way to make a living plus for birds they could hold their breath for about a day. They got smaller yet and very soon they were the size they are now, which is like the size of a robin. Maybe a little smaller. But remember that old bugaboo, evolution, well it burned into their DNA the fact that they needed to build round houses, because that is just what they do. So they did. Only now they used moss, and hair and make perfect little round houses to live in, not to keep from freezing, because as soon as it starts to get cold these guys bail and head for warmer places. Well Beakston was mumbling by now and picking at his teeth or I should say his tooth and I didn’t really get all the rest of what he was saying, but I don’t think it mattered by then.

You know the more I listened and thought about what Beakston said the more I think this whole story is a load of bull pucky. I don’t think this goofball has the slightest idea what he’s talking about. I checked up on Wiki-lies and sure enough he’s listed there. They even have his picture with the warning ” Hey! Do not listen to this guy. He is full of it. Walk away from him. Do Not Give Him Money!”  So there may not be much truth in his story except for the fact that these birds are called Ouzels or Water Dippers and they do build beautiful round little houses out of moss that look just like igloos but that’s it. The rest is just a load of crap. I need to look at Beakston’s resume again, he might have faked some of his credentials. I am now beginning to worry about the Institutes reputation.

 Anyway if you come across one of these little round houses built on a bridge abutment like the one above is, and it is very near a stream and you see a small bird dipping in and out of the water you’ll know what it is and you can amaze your friends and loved ones with your knowledge of the great out-of-doors. That’s what the Institute of Regained Knowledge or IRK does, it provides you with a learning experience that you can’t get anywhere else. Meanwhile believe half of what you read but most of what you see and you’ll do just fine.

* Note: For those of you unfamiliar with The Institute and what it does, please see the page labeled The Institute on the Menu Bar above. That should explain everything. You shouldn’t have one single question remaining regarding The Institute after reading it. None. For those of you favored few who already know about the Institute, Nevermind. Return to your daily activities. Thank you for your support.