Joie de Vivre

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Oh those French moose, they know how to live. Here its Monday morning and so many of us get up, wander around, act like a bear with a sore derriere and generally miss out on arguably the best part of the day. When I was younger, back around the time they were still using sticks to wage war, I was one of those who thought that if God had wanted you to get up early you would do it naturally. Now however, that I have ‘geezed out’, I find that I do get up naturally. And what’s more I like it.

This young lady moose is certainly under thirty and you can’t help but see the natural joy she has in greeting the morning by catching those first warming rays of the sun. Which leads me to believe she is French, that and the accent, of course. It’s spring on the Snake river in Wyoming, a carefree time for most and a time to make the most of life that you can. So wake up, get out there, stick your muzzle into the morning sun and live. Life is too short to walk around scratching your hiney, waiting for the coffee to get done.